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I am André. A simple boy from the countryside.

I was born in 1948 and raised in one of the most beautiful villages of Limburg. I was a happy little boy. In those days we could still be real children. Always romping with my friends in the streets and fields from early in the morning till my mom would call out: “André, dinner is ready!”

The fact that my parents ran a great local pub, made my childhood even better. Every Sunday after mass, the whole village gathered at “Bij Polleke”. The noise, laughter, and rattle of the football table used to lull me to sleep.

The 60s were unbelievable. A never-ending party! So wonderful to be young during this period in this village, and to grow up from a little rascal to a happy young fella.

Tabletop football and Monique, those were 2 of my greatest loves. After I conquered my sweetheart, we continued living in Schakkebroek. Close to our family and friends. A happy young father of 3 magnificent children. I never needed much. A beer now and then, playing some tabletop football, watching the rally whenever I could, growing my tomatoes and of course my family. I was a true family man.

I lived a simple but good life. Until 1984, when fate decided otherwise. I fought hard, but to no avail. I had to leave this world behind.

And now … Now I see that they have not yet forgotten ‘Vake’ down there in Schakkebroek and far beyond. They still talk about me: my wife, my children and grandchildren. Nostalgic stories that are often told at the bar at “Bij Polleke”. They even put my name on their clothes! My soul lives on in so many hearts, and that’s a beautiful thing.

I was André. A simple boy from the countryside.